BLOOM where you’re planted


Hi Friends!

I’ve decided to try out a blog for a couple of reasons… Primarily because God has been teaching me A LOT this year about the importance of processing thoughts through written word, and also the importance of sharing truth and excitement with fellow believers whenever possible.

I am well aware that this could be a futile attempt, and I probably won’t be consistent in my writing, but I am excited for this next step of growth and trust in my relationship with Christ.

Fun fact: I made this account *well* over 4 years ago but never followed through with actually posting anything. I was afraid of what people would think of me making a blog (since it’s a fairly popular thing to do these days), and I was worried that I wouldn’t have anything worth writing about.

Those are straight. up. lies.

Here’s some truth I’ve learned to combat those insecurities:

  • The Bible, God’s written gift to humanity (as if His son’s life wasn’t enough– AMIRIGHT?!) shows how valuable it is to have written documents of God’s truth and His faithfulness.
  • Your words (my words, too) are WORTH hearing.
  • God blesses us when we walk in obedience.
  • He longs to honor the desires of your heart.
    • (even if your heart just desires to write about your feelings sometimes)

This is sort of just an introductory post, but also an encouragement. I am learning ever so quickly that His plans are ALWAYS better than mine, and the only way for me to find that peace and contentment is through faith and obedience to Him.

This post is titled, “Bloom Where You’re Planted” because the biggest (and hardest) thing Christ has taught me in this season of life is to always make the choice to make the most of what you are given.

“How do I make the most of everything I’m given?” you ask…

Well, let me tell ya:

In all things, and in all ways, seek to glorify Him.

He is the giver of all good and perfect gifts, and He can take your crappy (for lack of a better word) situation, and make it gold. One of the best things I’ve ever heard was from Pastor Earl McClellan from Shoreline City Church… he said,

“If it’s not good, it’s not finished.”

Because everything He does is good. If it’s not good– trust that He will make it good through your faithfulness and persistence in what He has given you.

Sew them seeds, folks… watch them bloom.

Much love,
